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St. Mary Magdalene’s is part of the Anglican Church of Canada. This means that our worship includes elements that you will find in any Anglican church. We begin with a gathering call and response, followed by hearing three passages of scripture read by lay people. There is a short sermon, after which we say an affirmation of faith, pray for people and places in need, make a general confession, and exchange greetings of peace with one another. Next comes communion, after which we say closing prayers. We use the Book of Alternative Services as well as other worship resources authorized by General Synod and our Bishop.

We usually sing about four hymns, many of which come from Common Praise, the current ACC hymn book. We also draw on contemporary songs from a range of sources, including the Iona and Taize communities.

Along with other Anglican churches, we sit or stand depending on what we’re doing: the general rule is that we sit to listen and stand (as we are able) to pray and sing. Singing is accompanied by piano.

Here is how we are not like other Anglican churches. We all (including the presider) sit in chairs in a semi-circle, so that we can see each other while also facing the altar. After the sermon, there is time for shared reflection when people offer personal responses to the readings or the homily. There is always space to add our own concerns to the prayers of the people. Our congregational singing is robust and we often sing in harmony. After worship, our coffee time is in the same space as worship.

In addition to Sunday and mid-week worship, we walk with people through important milestones such as celebrating a birth, baptism, confirmation, marriage and funerals. We affirm LGBTQ2S+ marriage.

You do not need to be a member of the community to request any of these important life events.

Sunday morning Eucharist is at 10:30 am. Simple mid-week Eucharist (no music) is on Wednesdays at 12:30 pm.